Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation

Are you a smoker and living in the Los Angeles area?

Do you want to quit smoking... for good? Are you ready to experience a healthier smoke-free life?

My Smoking cessation program begins with a thirty minute phone questionnaire. The questions are to find out the information I need concerning your smoking habit to help you quit.  I also make certain recommendations for you to follow before coming to the session. By this time we have set up an appointment for one four hour session, after which you are no longer smoking.

I record the hypnosis part of the session and send it to you by email.  You listen to the recording each day until our one hour follow up session the following week. At this time I make another hypnosis recording for you to listen to

If you are smoking more than a pack of cigarettes a day, we usually do 2-3 two hour sessions, and take you off the cigarettes more gradually.

This program also works for snuff, and marijuana cessation as well.




Ava Evans, C.Ht.
Therapeutic Hypnosis

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Best time to call
8AM - 5PM
5PM - 8PM